Please support the Outreach efforts to take SENSE THE WIND into diverse communities across the globe. Every dollar helps, no contribution is too small. To underwrite a community screening, contact Christine@SenseTheWind.com.
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Together, let's make a difference.
Lent Family Foundation
Mark E. Carbone Educational Foundation
Comfort Charitable Foundation
Mauro Charitable Family Trust
Richard & Anne duMoulin Foundation
The Carroll Center for the Blind
Perkins School for the Blind
Arthur Aidala
Christopher & Val Allen
Victoria Andreozzi
Yoshimi Arai
Howard Balloch
Sheila Hollums Bates
Tom & Pam Bator
Richard Beck
Peter Benedetto II
Gay Ben Tre
Senet Bischoff
William & Julia Blanchard
Will Blodgett & Carolyn A. Sussman
Glenn Boivin
Lisa Bowers
Mike Bruno
James Callahan
Jane Carey
Tom & Andrea Carbone
Vince Casalaina
Matt Chao
Collamore Crocker
William T. Colgan
James Connors
Kim Cooper
Jemma Craig
Joseph Crivelli
Norma Davidoff
Danette Davis
Mike Dinning
Peter Duncan
Sara Eisenman
Caroline Enos
Pete Flood
James & Betsy Giordano
Barry Gold
John & Karen Gray
Nicholas & Marjorie Greville
Joan Hall
Peter Harrington
Jeremy Henderson
Duncan Hennes
Cela Hobbs
Houston Yacht Club
Bruce Howell
Rick Huff
Robert & Lynn Hughes
Arthur & Heidi Huguley
Craig Hupp
Jerry Jacobik
Jamestown Boatyard
Geoff & Dottie Jenkins
Elizabeth Kelly
Nicole & Christopher Ketchen
Shelley Klein
Louisa Knowles
Tim Knowlton
Richard Kronenberg
Dan Kwong
Anne & Harry Lane
Peter Lane
Terry Allen & Michael Lanza
Katie Larson
Steven & Tricia Leicht
Mark Lepselter
Dick & Jenny Liddle
Ali Love
Douglas Lynn
Marin Sailing School Program for the Blind
Richard & Dorothy McCarthy
Susie Matthews
Al McKibbon
Howard McMichael
Jennifer Morrissy
Eugene & Stacey Mihaly
Ken Mistove
Carla Murphy
Kenneth Murphy
Ken Neuman
Lennart Nilsson
North Sails
MT Silvia
Dr. Carl Olsson
Edward Padin
Susan Pelbath
Tom Penney
Dix Poppas
Rauch Rainoff Foundation
Bill Rapp
Peter & Rachel Rosenbaum
Mary Pat Ryan
Isaac H. Schambelan
Sally Schott
Joe and Lisa Sloop
David Smalley
Jan Smeet
Jill Smith
Robert Snedeker
Mavis Stamm
Eva Spelman
Texas Blind Sailing Team
UK Sailmakers
Sanae Takagawa Kennedy
Steve Taylor
Onne van der Wal
Pebbles Wadsworth & Christian Smith
Harvey Weiss
Steve & Heidi West
Christoff & Sylvia Westphal
Carroll Wetzel
Susan Willman & Pat O’Brian
Michael Wind
Kitty Wineberg
Ellen Winsor
Edward & Lucy Yocum